Policy Number | APS Computer System Tab | Purpose of Section | Timeframes |
340:5-5-3 | Assessment | Documents client’s risk factors, needs, and capacity to consent | Completed after face-to-face contact with client and interviews with collaterals. Must be completed within 60-calendar days from the date an APS referral is received |
340:5-3-1 | Client Details | Documents the client’s name, contact information, demographics, and vulnerabilities | Some information populates when the Intake is entered into the APS Computer System. Should be updated as specialist becomes aware of needed changes. |
340:5-5-3 | Collaterals | Documents the names, contact information, and demographics for collaterals and alleged perpetrators | Completed as specialist interviews collaterals regarding the client and allegations |
340:5-3-5 | Conclusion | Summary of the presenting issue, risk, need, and resolution for Level 2 assignments | Must be completed within 60-calendar days from the date an APS referral is received |
340:5 | Documents | Lists documents that are saved in the W-drive. Also where APS2, letter to caretaker/next of kin, and letter to law enforcement can be downloaded. | Updated as documents are saved to the W-drive |
340:5-5-6 | Estate Management | Documents account information and transactions for financial accounts of APS guardianship clients | Completed as soon as financial transactions begin on APS guardianship cases. Updated immediately when financial transactions occur. |
340:5-5-3 | Ext. Request | Documents requests for the extension of the time frame for completion of the investigation | Completed when the request for an extension is made |
340:5-5-3 | Findings | Summary of the investigation and determination of findings for Level 3 and 4 assignments | Must be completed within 60-calendar days from the date an APS referral is received |
340:5-5-6 | Funds | Documents emergency funds requests and approvals or denials | Completed immediately when requesting emergency funds. Case must remain open until the APS specialist is notified of all pending claim payments. |
340:5-5-3 | Guardianship | Documents all guardianship activities for APS guardianship clients | Updated as guardianship activities occur |
340:5-5-3 | Interviews | Documents all contact with client, collaterals, and alleged perpetrators. This includes attempted contacts. | Must be completed within 60-calendar days from the date an APS referral is received. Best practice is to complete as soon as possible after the interview. |
340:5-3-1 | New Intake | Documents referrals that are received alleging maltreatment of vulnerable adults | Completed at intake and submitted immediately for screening |
340:5 | Notes | Documents multiple case activities including screening, assignment, case staffing, safety issues, and referrals to other entities | Completed at time of screening and assignment. Updated as needed. |
340:5-5-3 | Overview | Overview of the case level, referral status, related reports, and assigned tasks | Mark tasks complete as they are completed |
340:5-5-3 | Service Plan | Documents the service plan that was developed with the client and follow-up activities | Must be completed within 60-calendar days from the date an APS referral is received. Updated when follow-up occurs. |