Determining Findings Substantiated vs. Unsubstantiated Upon completion of the investigation, the APS specialist must make a final determination regarding each allegation. Each allegation must be determined as: Substantiated – the greater weight of the evidence collected during the APS investigation determines that maltreatment occurred and the alleged victim meets the definition of a vulnerable adult […]
Substantiation Decision
Provides a process which can help make appropriate substantiation decisions such as identifying the elements of a decision and the burden of proof that has to be reached.
Adult Protective Services Clients Confirmed for Self-Neglect: Characteristics and Service Use
Adult Protective Services Clients Confirmed for Self-Neglect: Characteristics and Service Use To learn more about the APS Clients Confirmed for Self-Neglect: Characteristics and Service Use article from the Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, Vol. 23, Issue 4, please visit the Taylor and Francis website.
A Good Man is Hard to Find
A Good Man is Hard to Find By Lorenzo W. Milam We are always on the lookout for a good personal care attendant aren’t we? One who isn’t slovenly or snarly, who doesn’t complain, who will come to work exactly when he’s supposed to. One who doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, and doesn’t stick needles in […]