Aging Services Division
Director Carey D. Garland Mailing Address
- 2401 N.W. 23rd St., Ste. 40
- Oklahoma City, OK 73107
Fax: 405-521-2086
“Our mission is to provide leadership in issues relating to older Oklahomans; to develop community-based systems which support independence and protect the quality of life of older persons; to promote citizen involvement in planning and delivering services.”
The Aging Services Division (ASD) helps develop systems to support independence and protect the quality of life of older persons and promotes citizen involvement in planning and delivering services.
ASD builds coalitions with local agencies, businesses and communities to develop employment and volunteer programs for older Oklahomans, targeting senior citizens as both providers and recipients.
ASD promotes health care accessibility through annual advocacy campaigns to address issues of elderly Medicaid recipients, case management for Medicaid recipients over age 60 and health promotion campaigns.
ASD works to improve services to the elderly through seeking additional revenue resources, public/private partnerships and quality assurance and monitoring activities.
SENIOR INFO-LINE 1-800-211-2116
This toll-free telephone number links older Oklahomans and their caregivers to information and assistance at the local level. Calls are automatically routed to a specialist housed in one of the 11 Area Agencies on Aging or sponsoring agencies nearest to the caller.