Need: Describe circumstances regarding situation; what precipitated need and how client was meeting needs prior to APS involvement.
Income: Amount and source(s). Determine availability of income and who was responsible for expenditures.
Resources: Amount and source(s). Determine availability of resources to meet current request.
Family: Determine extent of family’s ability to resolve current situation.
Community resources: Determine availability of community resources to meet current request.
State/Federal programs: Determine availability of all existing programs to meet current needs.
DHS has temporary guardianship: Effective dates of court order and services specified in order. Submit copy of court order with claim.
Plan: Describe how use of emergency funds will meet current needs, what measures are in place or will be in place to meet future needs.
Additional information needed specific to request:
Need: client is without food and or does not have enough edible food to last until next regular income is received. Client is on special diet or requires special food supplements. Determine what non-food items will be needed to improve client’s living conditions (soap, toilet paper, etc.)
State/Federal: Client has applied for or is receiving food stamps.
Need: Determine what specific items are needed including personal as well as accessories such as towels, sheets, blankets, etc.
Community resources: Worker has been unable to obtain clothing from community clothes closets, Salvation Army, thrift stores, churches etc.
Own home:
Need: Eviction has been issued or threatened by landlord. Client had no shelter arrangements prior to referral.
Community: Landlord has been contacted and refuses delayed payment.
Family: Client has no family who are willing to assist or able to assist or it has caused the need to arise. Family will not allow client to live with them or will provide shelter on temporary basis.
Need: Client has cut-off notices; utilities have already been terminated; or new service is being initiated.
Family: Client’s family is unable or not willing to assist client; will not provide shelter until emergency is resolved; or has caused emergency to occur.
Community: Utility company has been contacted and all arrangements possible have been made
Structural: E.g., home repairs, weatherization, plumbing, electrical, etc.
Need: Costs of repairs does not exceed value of home.
Resources: Client owns home which needs repair.
Community resources: Worker has explored all available community resources and or has exhausted what is available including but not limited to Action Inc., OG&E weatherization program, any volunteer organizations; or other community resources available to meet needs. Worker has contacted potential vendor(s) and has attempted to secure services at reduced rate due to circumstances.
State/Federal programs: VR independent Living program has been explored as a possible source of payment.
Need: Initial cleaning/dumping has to be done in order for other services to be established. (Waivered services, HMA, etc.)
Community resources: All community resources have been explored and/or exhausted. Worker/client has found someone willing to provide the service for a set fee with understanding of who and how supplies needed for task will be obtained.
Out of Home Placements:
Group Home – State/Federal programs: Determine DDS involvement and waivered service eligibility.
Residential Care Facilities – Income/Resources. Is RCF going to become payee for client’s benefits.
State/Federal Programs: Determine whether client has applied for Title 19. Has client appealed denial of Title 19.
Plan: Alternatives to this placement must have been thoroughly explored and exhausted.
DHS temporary guardian: If amount exceeds $750/month temporary guardianship is necessary to pay for placement.
Plan: For emergency placements out of home in motels etc., explain why client is not feasible for homeless shelter or domestic violence shelters. Duration must be specific and limited.
State/Federal Programs: Determine whether client is eligible for Medicare/Medicaid and/or QMB. Determine availability of VR services to pay for physicians visit.
Plan: Plan should include provision for paying for ongoing medical needs.
Diagnosis/testing/lab/(including psychological):
Community: Determine availability of free services provided in the community.
State/Federal Programs: Determine availability of Community Health Departments, and Community Mental Health Centers to provide evaluations. Determine availability of DHS to provide needed testing. Determine whether needed services are compensable under Medicare/Medicaid and/or QMB.
Community: Determine availability for free or reduced costs prescriptions from pharmacies or drug companies.
Plan: Plan needs to specifically address how ongoing prescription needs will be met.
Community: Determine availability of local groups who supply items.
State/Federal: Determine availability of Title 19, Medicare, Medicaid for payment.
Plan: Determine whether need may be met by rental rather than purchase and what will happen to item when client no longer requires it.
Plan: Needs to include how client’s safety will be assured during trip and who will meet client at the end of the trip.
Community: Determine availability of Travelers Aid, Salvation Army, and Red Cross services to meet transportation needs; also determine availability of volunteer transportation
State/Federal: Must go through travel coordinator with DHS prior to making any arrangements.
Plan: Determine if this is the only means of transportation which will insure client’s safety and protection.
Community: Determine availability of volunteers.
State/Federal programs: Determine availability of reimbursement for medical care provided out of the community from Title 19 funds.
Plan: Determine whether this is one way or two way and how return will be accomplished.
Need: Determine whether client has insurance coverage to meet costs including an ambulance policy with local ambulance company.
State/Federal: Determine availability of Title 19 funds, Medicare, or QMB to pay for service.
Remands – Plan: Court specifically orders items in treatment plan which are not available from any other source.
Animals: Responsibility for care and control of animals will primarily lie with local community organizations and/or law enforcement.
Personal Care:
Need: The use of temporary hab aids, homemaker services and/or providers will be considered on a short term basis until eligibility for other services are determined.
Community: The use of volunteers to meet this temporary need will be explored, through community service organizations, Hospice, etc.